====== /etc Backup ====== Most configuration files on GNU/Linux systems reside under the ''/etc/'' directory (although they can often be over-ridden by a users configuration files in their ''~/'' home directory). It can be useful to track changes in this directory, but you have to be careful not to compromise the security of your system. You could just stick the whole directory under [[https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4mq7u0/linux_tip_track_your_etc_and_config_changes_with/|git version control]] but you then have to be very careful/mindful to exclude certain directories and control permissions on the tracking files otherwise you reveal the contents of key files such as your ''/etc/ssh/'' configuration or ''/etc/shadow''. Enter [[https://etckeeper.branchable.com/|etckeeper]] which has been designed with such attention to detail in mind. **NB** - I still use ''dispatch-conf'' after emerge/updates to ensure that configuration files are backed up, this stores backups of files too. This is an additional step that accommodates such changes //and// changes when I modify by hand. ===== Install ===== I ''USE=cron'' to install cron support(/script) to facilitate regular backups. echo 'sys-apps/etckeeper cron' >> /etc/portage/package.use/sys-apps && emerge -av etckeeper ===== Configuration ===== ===== Links ===== * [[https://etckeeper.branchable.com/|etckeeper]] see also the [[https://etckeeper.branchable.com/README/|README]] which includes a tutorial. {{tag>gentoo linux backup git}}