Welcome to //kimura//((Named after the geneticist [[wp>Motoo_Kimura|Motoo Kimura]] who proposed the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution.)). This is a personal Wiki that I write to keep notes of the various things I do. Most of its computing related focused around [[linux|Linux]] (specifically [[linux:gentoo]]) and [[statistics:statistics]] (specifically [[r:r]], [[python:python]] and using [[git:git]] for version control of package development) but there is some [[climbing:Climbing]] stuff here too. I've written up how to use a [[rpi:rpi|Raspberry Pi's]] for synchronised home streaming and various other tasks as well as rooting and flashing [[android:android|Android]] devices. Ostensibly this is for my own records but maybe others will find bits useful. I occasionally write things up in the [[blog]] section of the site, and write-up about books I've read or are going to read under [[literature:literature|literature]]. These days I occasionally blog at [ns-rse](https://ns-rse.github.io/). As this is a personal wiki its not open for general editing, but if you think you've got suggestions for improvement on anything I've documented please do get in touch. {{>http://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/!direct?url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/slackline/albums/558545/}} ~~NOCACHE~~