I was lucky enough to get an air-quality monitor from @CleanAirSheffield who for a £40 up front fee provide a ready made air-sensor that connects to the Luftdaten network. Once installed and connected/registered to the network this £40 is refunded.


Data can be viewed in a number of different ways…


The data is open and can be downloaded by anyone. Rohit Chakraborty (@rcrohit7) is using the data as part of his PhD to develop air quality monitoring networks.

There is a Python library luftdatenpumpe for grabbing data, I've written some notes on using it Using Luftdatenpumpe.


A log of notable events which may have impacted on readings…

Date Event
20190805T19:00:00 Garden fire with smoke at Upper Albert Road
20191216T20:10:00 Got home and strong smell of burning



Air Quality



air_quality/air_quality.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/04 18:35 by admin
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