
Since reading Dawins's The Selfish Gene when I was about 16 I developed a strong interest in Genetics. This led to me stuyding BSc Zoology & Genetics at The University of Sheffield (sadly they no longer run this excellent complementary dual-honors course) and then for an MSc Genetic Epidemiology, again in Sheffield (I was one of four students who took the course in its first year of running).

Genetics is a huge area, and has many different facets from classical genetics dating back to Gregor Mendel, the neo-Darwinist revolution based on the work of Fisher, Wright and Haldane through to the molecular revolution that ensued from the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick.


Population Genetics



I seem to regularly recommend books to people on /r/genetics so rather than re-write the same thing over and over here is a list of books I've found useful over the years.

Statistical Genetics

Population Genetics

Evolutionary Genetics

Molecular Genetics

You can also read a lot of Fishers original papers on genetics (and statistics) via the R. A. Fisher Digital Archive


I read a lot when I was studying, not all of its stayed in my head, here are some I found interesting.




genetics/genetics.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/02 10:04 by admin
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