I've a passing interest in GIS and like to make contributions to

Bicycle Router (BRouter)

BRouter This is a dedicated routing engine for cyclists, its a little clunky to install and get it working with OSMAnd+ but the offline routing instructions help. Once you've installed the BRouter Application start it up, you will be asked where to store data and after following a few prompts will be presented with a world map, zoom in and select the areas you wish to have routing for. These will be downloaded and stored in the selected location.

You then need to configure OSMAnd+, go to Settings > Cycling > Navigation Settings > Navigation Type and select BRouter (offline). That's it when you choose to find a route for cycling it should use BRouter.

Beat The Street

Sheffield set up Beat The Street and I requested the locations of all boxes and was pointed to a GeoJSON (copy which I converted to GPX using an online converter and loaded it into OSMAnd+. I can now select a BeatBox to navigate to from the map by bicycle and it will use BRouter (see above) to get me there, I can add additional boxes to visit along the route as way points.


Leaflet is a JavaScript library for visualising OpenStreetMap data. There are API interfaces for Python and R.










Sensible ways of finding a location (you know longitude and latitude that have been around for a considerable amount of time work pretty well!)

What3Words is a Solution Looking for a Problem

dumb.inaccurate.ways of finding a location.

With no irony what-so-ever…


Sometimes useful for navigation!

gis/gis.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/29 23:09 by admin
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