These pages aim to include information about bouldering and climbing around the world and a set of links to information on training for climbing. The pages on venues were originally written for the UKBouldering Wiki but having written/formatted the majority of the pages which are all published under Creative Commons license I opted migrate the work here to continue work. Naturally anyone reading this is welcome to copy the information and use it elsewhere, including adding it to the UKBouldering Wiki. The training links are something I wrote on the /r/climbharder/wiki as there was little information centrally available for that subreddit. I've copied it here prior to major reworks to make the Wiki more readable.

Its divided up by continent/country to aid navigation (and test your basic geography!). An interactive map is continually being developed by 9b although not everywhere on it is described within these pages (nor on 9b itself).


UK & Irleand

A list of Useful WebCams for various areas around the UK has been compiled. These can be useful to check conditions before you head to a venue and might help avoid disappointment. When the weather does crap out check the list of Dry in the Rain venues.

A commonly asked question on UKBouldering is for suggestions of baby/child friendly venues. To this end a page of Child Friendly Venues (UK) was started, although in typical UKB style it remains sparse and instead people ask the same question over and over again in the forums without bothering to search them for an answer first.

The driest and coldest month in the UK is usually February, though serious psyche is required on those frigid winter days. For more discussion of the best climbing month, see here. is a useful site describing some lesser known scrambles.


A Google Maps overview of bouldering venues in the Alps has been compiled (often includes links to topos). A select guide giving an overview of 19 European multi-pitch destinations is available.

Africa and the Middle East


North America

South America




Training Resources









climbing/climbing.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/04 16:52 by admin
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