
RSS feed

Its pretty simple to get and RSS feed of an account, just add .rss to the end of the URL.

An example of embedding Mastodon feeds on your site you can use emfed.


Server Setup

I have a VPS (I use OVH) and figured I could just host my own. My VPS runs Arch Linux and there is a package for Mastodon on AURappear

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd mastodon
$ makepkg -sri
<<< enter password >>>

Ok installed but unfortunately the promised post-install message didn't appear. So lets read the official documentation which recommends three things…

  1. Only allowing SSH key-based login (I already have this configured).
  2. Installing fail2ban to block repeated logins.
  3. Install a firewall and only allow SSH, HTTP and HTTPS ports

SSH key-based login

I took some steps to harden my SSH login some time ago. They are minor but make a small difference. In /etc/ssh/sshd.config change the following…

PermitRootLogin no
Port <insert-port-number>
PasswordAuthentication no

Note however that before changing PasswordAuthentication to no you MUST upload your public SSH key to your account on your VPS otherwise you will lock yourself out.

rsync -av ~/.ssh/<keyname>.pub <username>@<vps-server-name|ip-address>:~/.ssh/.

You should now be able to login using your SSH key and its even easier if you use keychain.


Under Arch Linux install with the following (as root)…

# pacman -Syu fail2ban

As per instructions you could add the following to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local.

destemail =
sendername = Fail2Ban
enabled = true
port = 22
enabled = true
port = 22

However, I don't…

  1. Want lots of emails telling me about failed login attempts (like anyone is ever going to read what I write here!).
  2. Don't run sshd on port 22 and instead use some other random port to reduce exposure to attacks (not perfect but its one simple step to take).

For obvious reasons I'm not posting what I have entered here and you should interpolate your own values for the relevant fields. Once you have configured fail2ban appropriately you can enable/restart the service.

systemctl enable --now fail2ban.service

Firewall, SSH and HTTPS (not HTTP)

I've already configured nginx which I use for serving the sites I host on my VPS to redirect http requests on port 80 to https on port 443 and use certbot to provide valid certificates. I'm not going to allow any firewall to allow http connections then. As mentioned above I configure sshd to run on a port other than 22. To which end my installation of iptables is somewhat different from the recommended.

TODO Finish off.









fediverse/mastodon.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/22 18:26 by admin
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