I switched to using GNU/Linux back in 2001 when the UNIX machine at work was taken off-line as it had been hacked and set up selling porn. We needed a server for myself and colleagues to run [statistical genetics software][https://gaow.github.io/genetic-analysis-software/0/) on (at the time Genhunter, MapMaker/Sibs and various TDT programmes). I asked for a second computer and set about installing RedHat 7.2 (or thereabouts) on it and getting the software installed, as well as accounts set up and working for other colleagues to SSH into. Learnt a lot (circular RPM dependencies were hell!) and decided to try out something more involved at home and installed Slackware on my home computer as dual boot. As I learnt more I found that whilst installing packages and their dependencies was straight-forward tidying up the system was more complicated (Slackware at the time didn't really have a package management system) and whilst I could remove a programme it often left its dependencies lying around. I then discovered a relatively new GNU/Linux distribution called Gentoo and have been using it on various systems ever since (around 2005 based on the date I joined the Gentoo Forums). I've installed Gentoo on various desktops (home and work), laptops (Dell Latitude and more recently Asus UX21e), Linksys NSLU2, the original Raspberry Pi's and even the Sony PS3 before they removed that functionality. More recently I've branched out and checked out Arch Linux to use on various Raspberry Pi's that I've setup for home media-centres and streaming to multiple rooms, hosting wiki's and my own cloud storage as well as on a VPS I use to run my own VPN (and host some web-pages).

I've collated tasks that are common across operating systems here.

Miscellaneous Pages

Over the years I've written various pages as I was doing things (quite a few as blog posts) and wasn't too careful organising them, they now all reside under the linux:misc namespace and are linked below.


Possible Hardware

  • PINEBOOK Pro – PINE64 these look very nice and will likely be the next laptop I buy when my Zenbook UX21e finally bites the dust.


linux.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/29 15:03 by admin
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