
When I was younger (before the internet/web was widely available to non-technical parents) I read a lot of books and really enjoyed reading. I still enjoy reading but find I've less time these days to sit down and spend time on longer prose (no real excuse, I'm just busy climbing, tinkering with computers or worse still actually working).

I keep a record of the books I've got (and for the most part read) here (used to keep it privately on an App until its development was abandoned and it no longer worked with automatically getting details from Amazon and it became tedious to enter everything by hand :-/). I rarely write my thoughts on books but occasionally add them here if I can be bothered.



The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

The book that properly got me interested in science, and in particular evolutionary biology. An excellent synthesis of neo-Darwinism where the unit of selection the evolution acts on is the gene.

The Genetical Theory of Evolution by R.A. Fisher

Darwins Dangerous Idea by Daniel Dennett

Read this a long time ago a few years after Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Its a wonderful exposition of the power of evolution by natural selection extended to the realms of the human brain and consciousness.

A recent interview with Dennett : Our Brains, Our Selves | Tufts Now

Freedom Evolves by Daniel Dennett



  • Revelations Jerry Moffatt
  • Statement Ben Moon
  • Echoes Nick Bullock
  • Learning to Breathe Nick Bullock
  • The Totem Pole Paul Pritchard


Lila : An Inquiry into Morals by Robert Pirsig

Found this tough going, seemingly irreverent discourses into anthropology, native-American societies/philosophy and the Quality of Meta-Physics seemed to get in the way of telling the story.


The Martian by Andy Weir

Excellent, very readable.

Terrence McKenna

An interesting character, DMT, evolution, society, Gaia, shamanism and time-wave theory.

Food of the Gods

An interesting hypothesis and tour through archealogical evidence on the Stoned Ape Theory. Like most “just so” stories about evolution it can never be tested and its unlikely that there was one single factor driving human evolution, but it was his theory.

Archaic Revival

Not read this yet.

To Read


Try and avoid Amazon when buying your books, their aggressive pricing leaves little profit for publishers/authors. If you're in the UK you can use to compare prices across several places (NB The Book Depository is actually owned by Amazon). A good alternative that matches Amazon on most prices is


I don't read many blogs regularly these days.



Longer Reads

Interesting Reads



literature/literature.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/05 18:49 by admin
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